Last few weeks when krystal came to out school and help use the restroom and we do some art and krystal group's drawing was so nice and it better than ours and i was like so shock and surprize and than we went back to class and wrape it up with plastic than before krystal wrape it up she took a picture of it
Than another week came i was more excited because we are ready to put our pic in the restroom and krystal her group one was like even nicer than last week than a cleaner came and tell us than not to past them up on the wall because they need to clean the wall and soon later madam afida came and see what is happening than she caller our sch diserplin master to came and tell the cleane to let us put it on than mr tay came and talk to the cleaner than we frinallay finished our work but i was sad becauise this their last day with us and i wish they would come again